What is the Permit Scheme?

The permit scheme was invented to allow Scout activities to take place safely without necessarily having to hold the usually expensive to obtain National Governing Body Qualifications (RYA, British Canoeing, British Mountaineering Council etc).

The Scout Association has devised this scheme so that someone with or without an NGB qualification, but with relevant experience and skills can run activities for young people.

For Example, a leader or parent that has been canoeing for 20 years and helping run training for a local club would only need a small amount of training to become a Scout permit holder:

  • Receive a technical assessment, this could be a conversation/paper-based assessment or a full day on the water while running an activity, depending on the assessor and the logbook supplied.

They would then need only the personal suitability and Adult disclosure (if an adult) signed off and woo ho we have a permit holder.

Why is there a personal suitability section on the permit form?

Well to be honest, not everyone who has the technical knowledge is necessarily great at putting that knowledge across. I personally have known a parent who was technically very competent but could not talk to young people in a way that they understood and then quickly got angry when they didn't understand, technically good but not suitable to run fun scout activities.

What is a Scout Permit?

Do I even need a permit? The short answer is probably yes!