6. Risk Assessments

  • These get a bad name but are essential, they ensure you have thought about the activity before it takes place and within reason have taken all the steps you can to make it safe. Here are a few pointers on risk assessments:

  • They do not always have to always be written down though this is best practice

  • If you have written risk assessments other instructors/leaders running the session etc should have read them (they are no use in a file in the office never to be read)

  • The key points need to be shared with the group either on paper or verbally. i.e. make everyone aware that the slipway is covered in seaweed and is slippery etc. etc.

  • The scout Assoc have a template, many groups have a library of RI’s that can be updated

  • http://www.scouts.org.uk/safety

POR Rule 9.4 Risk Assessment

a. Leaders must carry out risk assessments before and during every activity.

b. All activities must be undertaken in accordance with the Association’s Safety Policy (see Chapter 2) and adhere to the relevant general and specific activity rules set out in Chapter 9 - Activities.

Further details are contained in the factsheet FS120000 Activities – Risk Assessment and at scouts.org.uk/safety.

This is the process for doing a risk assessment

This is how we might put a Cub canoeing session into the flow

Below is a sample of a risk assessment done for Canoeing on the River Avon, it is an older one but you can see what we have looked at, and how we intend to reduce/control the risks.

2WK-A38 - Risk Assessment - Canoeing on Rivers Warwick & Leamington