7. Water Clasifications
All waters in the UK are given a Classification based on the assessed danger of the water (more here)
England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Major UK Rivers, Water Facilities and Training Centres
Class C - safe inland waters which are less than 100m wide where flow causes little effect (including swimming pools);
Class B1 - sheltered inland waters and other sheltered water where currents and tides create no real danger.
Class B2 - the sea up to one mile from the shore but excluding more dangerous waters close inshore; more sheltered parts of estuaries; large inland lakes and lochs; inland waters British Canoe Union Grade 2.
Class B3 - the sea up to three miles from the shore but excluding more dangerous waters close inshore; busy commercial ports, exposed parts of estuaries; inland waters British Canoe Union Grade 3.
Class A - open sea more than three miles from the shore, and other dangerous waters close inshore; inland waters British Canoe Union Grade 4 and above.